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Blog Format
The News Page is constructed as a Blog feed with the most recent posts appearing at the top of the page. The three most recent news posts will also be featured on the homepage of your site.
Harmonized 1H, 13C 1D, 2D Parameter Sets
Tweaks have been made to all default 1H and 13C 1D and 2D experiment parameter sets so they have been tested as effective and are the same on all spectrometers. If you have a 10mg properly-prepared sample, you are assured of getting good data using default parameters with these experiments no matter which instrument you use.
500-1 Open for Business + Gauging Performance With Carvone
500-1 is open, supporting walkup experiments in Searle. It’s outfitted with a different probe to provide better 13C sensitivity and capabilities of observing 31P, 11B, 195Pt, and more. Spectra are shown for a standard 10 mg/mL sample of carvone to provide a visual basis for comparison.
500-2 Computer Upgrade
Exciting news! The long-anticipated upgrade to the 500-2 computer is here! Main differences Two monitors (see photo) Log in with your "new" username/password (the ones provided as part of reapplication) CentOS 7 operating system Logging in and out is slightly...