by jkurutz | Dec 21, 2021 | Help materials, Improved Performance, Laboratory practice, NMR software
Here’s a tip for you when acquiring long experiments manually: use the Autoshim feature. Located in the BSMS control window, clicking “Start” will ensure your shim quality stays good over long periods (~4+ hours). But when you’re done, be sure to click “Start” again to toggle it off, or else it’ll continue operating when the next user is trying to run, which will surprise them and give them inconvenience.
by jkurutz | May 27, 2021 | Help materials, NMR software, Parameter Sets
The most common 2D experiments on the automated systems work best if you choose the one whose names end in “-opt”; these experiments examine a preliminary PROTON8 experiment and reset the 1H spectrum window in the 2D so you get the best resolution. It’s very easy to set up, but things can go wrong if you make changes or decide you need a 2D after the 1H 1D has already been acquired. Here are some tips for success.
by jkurutz | Mar 10, 2021 | Help materials, Lab environment, Laboratory practice, NMR software, Uncategorized
Many chemical structure questions can be answered with 1H-1H distance estimates derived from the 1D NOESY experiment. There are a variety of ways to set up this experiment, but we now have two short videos that UChicago users can access with their phones at the spectrometer – no homework or special prep required.