Training - Level0
“Level0” access provides a mechanism for new lab members to begin participating in research while awaiting Level1 training. Within a couple of working days after handing in a paper account application, the facility manager will create Linux accounts for the trainee on the facility computers, enabling remote access via a command line and data transfer program like Filezilla or Cyberduck. Data acquisition privileges are only enabled after successful completion of the certification quiz. If a labmate takes data for a new member, the new member can thus copy that data to their own laptop without further help from the labmate.
What to Expect After You Apply
- APPLY: When seeking NMR training, fill out a paper application form. Blank forms are provided in envelopes in the hallway outside each NMR Lab, Searle 340 and GCIS E340. Return the completed form to the “Completed Forms” envelope next to the supply.
- WAIT: Within a day or two after submitting your form, accounts will be created for you on NMR computers.
- GET NOTIFIED: You should receive three notifications:
- The facility manager will send you a short email to acknowledge account creation. For security, your password will NOT be provided in that email.
- The facility manager will send you a text message with your password. For security, the word “password” will not be used in the message, so as to avoid attracting the attention of potential spyware.
- You will receive an automatically-generated email from the chem-nmr listserv to let you know you’ve been added to the facility’s mass email system.
- WAIT: It typically takes one to three weeks to attend training after an application is submitted, depending on a number of factors.
- SCHEDULE TRAINING: Soon after your accounts are created, the facility manager will contact you to discuss scheduling training. A Microsoft Outlook meeting invitation will be send, and you should use the Outlook tool in the invitation to Accept or Decline the invitation, or propose a new time.
- Please keep in mind that flexibility in scheduling is somewhat limited, as it depends on the availability of the facility manager and all attendees of the session.
- Because important parts of training involve orientation to the specific laboratory room, you should expect to be trained in the lab where you will perform most of your NMR experiments.
- COPY DATA: To get familiar with the two-step data copying process, BEFORE your training session, you should copy the folder of example spectra (in your data folder on 400-1) to your laptop using the procedures spelled out the facility data availability page: .
- ENSURE ENTRY: You need to check whether you can enter the building in which your training is being held. If you do not yet have swipecard access through the front door, contact the facility manager so you can be met at the front door ten minutes before training starts.
- SHOW UP: On training day, simply show up at the training location. There is no need to bring a sample. You may take notes if you like.
- EXPECT A QUIZ: After your training session is done, you must pass a quiz on the material covered in training. It normally takes 15-20 minutes to complete. It is best done immediately after training so you can hand it in for immediate review, clarification of misunderstood topics, approval, and activation of your data acquisition account.